Content - Gotthard Base Tunnel surveying event

Gotthard Base Tunnel surveying event

Surveying has made a central contribution to the Gotthard Base Tunnel Project of the Century. The Final Breakthrough under the Gotthard is also a reason for surveying specialists to celebrate.

In collaboration with the Institute of Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich (Head: Professor H. Ingensand), AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd is organising a one-day event at the Science City Campus of the ETH in Zurich.

An event in celebration of the Final Breakthrough of the Gotthard Base Tunnel
Friday, October 29, 2010
Bauhalle, Science City Campus, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg 

Programme and detailed information (only german)

Participation of Media Representatives

Media Representatives are welcome to participate at this event. Registration is requested.

Accreditation Gotthard Base Tunnel surveying event

Accreditation Gotthard Base Tunnel surveying event


